The Defense Department will install solar panels on the Pentagon, part of the Biden administration’s plan to promote clean energy and “reestablish the federal government as a sustainability leader.”
The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites that are receiving $104 million in Energy Department grants that are expected to double the amount of carbon-free electricity at federal facilities and create 27 megawatts of clean-energy capacity while leveraging more than $361 million in private investment, the Energy Department said.
The solar panels are among several improvements set for the Pentagon, which also will install a heat pump system and solar thermal panels to reduce reliance on natural gas and fuel oil combustion systems
This is like putting solar panels on an oil rig 🙄
This would be meaningful. More reporting means more information to wield when convincing people we need more than solar panels.
This is like putting solar panels on an oil rig
I mean, even for a low effort post its not really making much sense.
I assume your simile is suggesting that and oil rig shouldn’t use solar panels (for reduction of green house gas creation) because it is a primary source of green house gasses (eventually). So you’d prefer an oil rig to, what, burn oil for electricity instead generating even more green house gasses?
I’d prefer the oil rig didn’t exist and I’d prefer people stop confusing greenwashing for progress.
Sure, great, but thats ignoring the practicalities of reality. If you want real change you’ve got to evolve from an ideologue if you’re actually interested in seeing the change you want.
Oil rigs aren’t going to disappear overnight. If they did economies around the world would come to a grinding halt. Famine and disease would run rampant and wars would break out fighting over the remaining supplies. Likely 80% or more of humanity would die out within a generation. You and I would not be among the survivors.
So maybe a better way to get rid of oil rigs is to reduce their need by, oh I don’t know, replacing oil consuming energy generation with PV solar panels…like the article is talking about. It will be on very small change in a whole list of changes needed to get rid of those oil rigs, but is on the path, and its realistic.
people stop confusing greenwashing for progress.
There’s plenty of greenwashing occurring in the world today. This event isn’t one of them.
There will never be real change as long as people settle for greenwashing, there will be ticky-tacky incremental bullshit changes until society collapses. With incrementalism oil rigs aren’t going to disappear ever, and neither will the Pentagon. They’re going to kill us all.
It’s like whining about capitalism from your iphone
Yes I live in society yet I criticize it, you are very smart.
Imagine thinking you have a point
Imagine thinking communism is a poverty cult lol
I’d take it. Just that little bit less oil we need. Stop trying to shit on everything.
Greenwashing is harmful because it tricks people into thinking there’s been progress and we aren’t on track for the collapse of civilization.
the alternative is imminent collapse of civilization and no solar panels
I’m not going to fucking care if the Pentagon has solar panels while I’m fighting to the death over the last unopened can of beans in an abandoned Walmart.
Yeah, I get it. Not sure that stating the doomer case is any better than installing solar panels, though, is my point. It gets us the same outcome in the end.
If people actually realized how fucked we are they wouldn’t settle for greenwashing. We could get organized and fight back.
How is lessening your carbon footprint greenwashing?
This is purely propaganda meant to trick people into thinking the Pentagon is green.
Bruh you’ve been answered. No need to yell.
That wasn’t an answer, it was a poorly voiced opinion.
As much as I hate the military industrial complex, symbolic actions matter, and we need some form of military so as long as we have a military I hope it will utilize green energy when possible.
Symbolic actions with no substance are purely propaganda.
We don’t need the largest military on Earth.
I agree.
But again, how is this greenwashing?
What do you think the propaganda is for? It’s meant to trick people into thinking we’re making progress so they don’t panic.