You can’t buy people anymore but you can buy most of their awake hours. It’s called a job.
People sell those hours because they have to. It’s called a salary.
What’s really important is that it’s impossible not to be a bad person and a billionaire. I like her music but being a billionaire means that she is an enemy of society. Period
most bilionares are good people. Some are not though.
Nobody that has exploited and hoarded billions of dollars from society for their personal benefit are good people.
Some can be. You dont know all billionares
Don’t have to, it’s not possible to hoard that much wealth while people starve and be considered ‘good’.
It is possible. You dont know enough to make that judgement.
Self awareness isn’t your strong suite, is it?
its stronger than yours, clearly
They’ve spent more money than you’ll ever make convincing you of that.
Looking at your comments I can see you’re just a troll but if actual humans are reading this: there are exactly zero moral billionaires. It is not possible to be a billionaire and be a good person at the same time. You do not have to know what’s in their heart or whatever the fuck this idiot is trying to say. You can’t earn that kind of money without hurting and exploiting people and if you keep that amount of money you are actively harming society. End of story.
Not really true at all. Judgemental people like you are the reason we cant progress as a species.
Lmao and the people hoarding incalculable wealth that they’ll never ever be able to spend in multiple lifetimes are for sure helping us progress as a species.
Get real.