Notice there is only 1 full headline (from /r/NoStupidQuestions) visible, it doesn’t even show the full post. There are 3 of those “trending” boxes but only 2 of those even fit their headlines because they are like 3 words long, they cut off anything longer including the description
I originally became addicted to Reddit because of how streamlined it was to skim dozens of headlines and pick from lots of content, seems they have decided content is not something they want to provide anymore :/
Bro what in the is this
Legit thought you were on YouTube.
Seriously me too!! I was paying more attention to the TV show I was watching and was wondering what was so remarkable about the same old YouTube layout. I had to wait for it to end to really look at the picture DAYUMN it looks like YouTube. Wtf reddit what a weird thing to copy
Almost like when they replaced the reddit app with one that looked just like Instagram. Reddit has no originality I guess.
It looks like a news site from 2012, and it actually looks like it’s trying to imitate digg lol
At first glance I thought it was youtube.
Is the still usable or is that fucked up too? is still kickin it. No talk I’ve heard of to get rid of it yet. The second it’s gone I’m gone.
yeah same here… I was like, youtube has text posts now?
Text posts on YouTube are pretty nice though. I like that people can post channel updates like saying there’s gonna be a delay on a video or something without having to film and post a video to do so.
it’s facebook….
You don’t show full posts because then your team gets to count an ‘active’ user when people click to expand.
Metrics becoming the goal 101 and active user growth is important to get investors to hold the bag for your VCs. Every action right now, that the VC money is getting scarce is aimed at making Reddit look like a profitable target for street investors so your VCs can cash out. Doesn’t matter if what you do isn’t sustainable, because you are the VCs bitch now and they want their payout before you crash and burn.
the nostupidquestions post is so extremely stupid lmao
She’s dead. Move on, friend
Well at least it’s better than the previous layout that squished everything into the center and had a ton of dead space on the sides.
It looks like YouTube now. But with text. lol
Precisely what it reminded me of, I think the way they should’ve gone is modernising the way they show dozens of post per scroll.
I think Reddit doesn’t realize that what made their UI so appealing was precisely that it felt really functional and bare bones, like Craigslist still does or Google used to. As if it was designed by nerds who just wanted the most functional site. It makes it seem more trustworthy and neutral, less monetized.
This redesign looks painfully corporate.
Topics on the side. “Gaming, Sports, Business, Crypto…” Reddit trying really hard to pretend it’s not just around for porn and memes. Also, crypto lol. Tech bro a little harder, spez.
And celeb gossips.
Dude idk crypto was fucking DROWNING r/all for a long time, maybe still is I eventually blocked it, so I get why they added it. And I think the type of person who would stick around on reddit or start now would still be into/interested in starting crypto.
I hope it is obvious that is not a compliment.
I used RIF for the longest time and I just can’t with the official app. It’s already awful and if that’s what the website looks like now then the app will have a worse UI soon.
You guys are still using Reddit?
Also i need talklittle to either port rif or make it open source so we can port it ourselves ;-;
Unfortunately he is making it for tildes, a platform run by a single admin who bans people who have discussions about difficult topics
Yeah that’s what I’ve seen too, I don’t know why he chose tildes? It’s not talked about, like at all. Seems like a big chunk of his userbase came over here
The admin there who owns the place seems to want to keep it small, so yes no clue why he is making his app over there at this point. It’s clear the owner of tildes doesn’t want the place to grow. He just wants a bunch of people circle jerking each other in their echo chamber.
Difficult topics = dog whistle
Uhh, no…I was banned for discussing a topic about how obesity is the number one killer and not tobacco…how is that a dog whistle?
But to people like you, anything you disagree with… instant nazi right?
No, just Nazi stuff.
Still use reddit and twitter for sports news and updates and a few fringe topics and I read only. Shut down my reddit account around 2019 and only have a twitter account because its a pain to view stuff if not logged in. Have never posted anything there.
Digg redesign vibes
The day that digg launched that new design was the last day I ever logged into that site. Why do people fuck up things that work?
Designers want to get promoted, or get good bonuses for having impact. Product Managers are similarly incentivized to make changes, to improve some metric that they believe helps their business. If these structures exist, and the people making changes don’t understand what the users want, or their incentives are misaligned… it’s inevitable
This makes me think of Microsoft. I get the impression it’s a software and technology company run by suits who are completely detached from end users and every decision is made purely from pie charts, analytics with no nuances included and designers itching to be promoted whispering in their ear.
So many things that worked perfectly - things people have learned where they are and how to use them for decades get changed for apparently no other reason than just to change them and a constant push to redesign everything into a path towards using one of their new services that already has better existing external services people were quite happy using.
Like if your product is good and works don’t start a new product then start changing the original product solely to integrate the new product. That’s bad for the existing users and customers.
It just seems like a constant thing with them that always leads back to squeezing more data and money out of users at the detriment to everything else then gaslighting users by using phrases like “improved user experience”
I actually just scrolled down some more after writing all this and there’s a good comment with some of they whys on what I was saying
They had an impact alright.
Things that work aren’t profitable (enough). A thing that works is good for expanding customer base. A thing that almost works is good for profit per customer base. The thing is… A thing that works and is sustainable to maintain provides the most long term profits. There’s no legal requirement a company grow in scope, but most investors (both in small and large companies) see that as the only way. Reddit has been operating on an unsustainable business model. Their core feature set is simple. Their userbase was loyal, and willing to pay for Reddit gold to directly keep the website running. The holes in their sustainability were a huge staff to develop features to grow their customer base despite no one wanting or asking for those features, a terrible ad model that left money on the table by not putting ads where they’d have the most effect (why did I always get Ford ads on r/FuckCars, never Taco Bell ads on r/ShittyFoodPorn, no small online stationary shops on r/FountainPens?) and not returning ads in API calls, and finally an API model that went from free to impossible to justify overnight. But no one on the board of directors is interested in a business that consistently makes money over the long term. They want to make as much money as possible all in one go.
Let me ask you this. Which is better? To run a small coffee roaster that employs 8 people and serves coffee through one physical shop and one online store front to a loyal fan base by serving a high quality product in small batches, or to be massive coffee company, shadowed in scale only by Starbucks and Peets, but going into bankruptcy because you can’t keep up with Starbucks and Peets? I’d take the consistent sustainable business every time, but too many people want to be the big winner with the bankrupt company, and the result is the small investors, the ones who bought into the big coffee company, or Reddit, end up holding the bag while the people who took their money deploy their golden parachutes
Why do people fuck up things that work?
Depends on what you mean by “work”. If by “work” you mean is enjoyable to use, I understand. If by “work” you mean sustains a business, then no.
It obviously is a sustainable business. What they want to do is fatten the cow before slaughter
The fact that crypto is listed on the side makes me wanna bump my head on the wall.
The whole thing in general looks like a mobile app stretched to fit on a monitor. I mean, that’s how most websites are in 2023.
funnily enough, it literally fucking is, this was originaly their mobile site.
A lot of apps are also just web wrappers for a mobile site… It’s obvious with some apps, others are a bit harder to see, but it’s there.
Low effort app developing.
LOL. They went full Digg. I abandoned Digg for Reddit, and now Reddit for Lemmy.
same. slashdot to digg, digg to reddit, now reddit to lemmy.
Usenet to digg, digg to reddit, reddit to lemmy.
Oh, I never stopped using usenet 😅
Remember when they hid NSFW content from r/all and they said they would add a new filter that did contain the content?
Now you can’t even select r/all from the drop down menu on their app. You have to open the sidebar, scroll all the way to the bottom, then select it. No way of setting it as the default. Classic algorithm push for advertisers.
Tbf r/all sucks balls and I don’t go there anymore. I come here.
So stop using it. Ffs, this place circle jerks over how bad that place is, and then you dumb mother fuckers keep going back. Move on already.
Eh. it’s one thing always talking about Reddit in more general communities, but this is a Reddit community.