The spirit of resistance to this attack on the right to dissent was evidenced again Sept. 8, as a multinational, multigenerational demonstration gathered outside Carr’s office across the street from the State Capitol.

The Movement to Stop Cop City is fueled by the unabated deaths at the hands of police, including 62-year-old church deacon John Hollman, who was tased to death following a minor traffic accident on Aug. 11, and six deaths in six weeks at the Fulton County Detention Center, the latest being 24-year-old Shawndre Delmore from cardiac arrest (!) on Sept. 3.

These tragedies converged with the continuing pollution of the South River by the clearing of thousands of trees at the Cop City site and the ongoing media lies and political attacks from the Atlanta Police Foundation, intended to whitewash the reactionary and racist purpose of the police-training facility.

    1 year ago

    Everyone fighting Cop City is a hero in my book. Many of us talk big game about changes we want and stuff we want to stop, but these people are actually trying their best to force change they want to see.

    It’s very clear given the EGREGIOUS and bullshit legal charges, beatings, and murder done by the police over this project that they have a singleminded goal of doing this even if they must bulldoze 1000 protestors.

    The legal charges including that absolutely bullshit RICO case show the prosecutors and police are afraid and trying to ward off any further protest. There’s another dynamic at play though that the corrupt shitheads in DA offices and police HQs never consider and that’s public opinion turning against THEM due to excessive, and clearly unwarranted abuse of power including prosecution powers. Normal people can ignore everything in front of them, but when you start going after people for simply running a charity to help pay for bonds, that might start cranking some gears. They’re doing actually full out evil shit and people, I think, are slowly noticing. I’m grateful for and hope to see more protests against the cops down there. The more butthurt they get and the more insane RICO cases they throw against the wall the more they discredit themselves and the mask of civility, which is important to maintain for PR reasons, dissolves to reveal the horrors beneath. I don’t know who will win this battle, the cops seems especially deadset on making this happen, but I’m proud that the community down there isn’t backing down to these thugs in uniform and their corrupt pals in the DA’s office. That takes legitimate courage no matter how you look at it.